Monday, October 20, 2008

Bergen - A city of pervs

On a trip downtown today I found it best to take a taxi. People here often resort to taxis because of the rain. Judging from the big pools of water around, they could be bottomless. Trained to look for escape routes in the Johannesburg traffic, I quickly confirmed that the car had airbags. Worst comes to worst, I could always trigger the airbags, stay afloat and survive another rainy day.

The taxi driver could tell me that today’s weather was bad even for Bergen. Last year they were only a few days short of 3 months of continuous rain! Other than that, Bergen has had so much of nice weather over the last few years that the rain in Bergen is becoming an undeserved myth! Hammered with rain stats I was speechless in the back seat. It's an unavoidable subject in Bergen, but with statistics like this, and with my own wet experiences lately, its facts - NO BLOODY MYTH!

With the amount of rain you also have to plan your days accordingly. For this people have national weather services on the internet. Everybody in Bergen has bookmarked this site! First thing in the morning you check the weather. During your lunch break and a couple of more times you check again to avoid surprises. It’s like with the crime in South Africa, always stay alert with your guard held high!

The name of the weather service is the biggest joke though,! Yr in Norwegian has a double meaning, “drizzle” and “excited” (horny). Like rain is such a desirable thing?! It doesn't get me off! Rather depressive and impotent. Being in Bergen that's not a temporary state! I suspect the site was founded by somebody in Bergen. He/she must be a real perv but in good company it seems. The streets are crowded with people in rubber from head to toe. Over the years Bergen has of course attracted rubber fetishists worldwide. Here they can all come out of the cot, flourish and live out their rubber desires amongst fellow fetishists without sticking out.This blue eyed stud need no rubber any time soon...


  1. Ahhhh your post brings back such fond memories.

    Of course, being dragged downhill on my backside by a pram with a 3 year old in it (and 8 months pregnant) is not one of them. Especially not considering that I couldn't get back up again until the neighbours came out to help me.

    Anyway - so got your wellies out then have you? Bwahahaha

  2. I can picture the pram scene in the hills here, LOL! Sounds like you were trying to break the laws of nature, the Bergen laws of nature to be specific.

    Fond memories you say... You're not doing the raindance there in the south of England, are you? In your wellies and rubber outfit and the works..?

  3. Always nice with new visitors and to get some comments. You are welcome any time :-)

  4. It's so nice blog with informative world development. I like to read more, keep on updating.

  5. I was married in Bergen. It rained. We had a celebration over 3 days, including 17 May on which it really rained. Of the circa 30 times I have been to Bergen, I can count on one hand how often the sun shined. Whatya saying dude? P.S. Love the yr horny thing!

  6. Well they claim Bergen is a country of it's own. The rain in Bergen would of course not let the opportunity pass to piss on our constitution. That's evidence enough for me! Sorry dude, I could have adviced you better.

    30 times!!! Something must have made you YR here in Bergen dude?! Hope she was worth it :-)

  7. so you disappear to a pervert's paradise and you don't write?

    That's just a little suspicious

    peace ;-)

  8. Abraxas!
    Paradise for those who love rubber, true... :-) I'm not a rubber guy.

    The blog is sort of in a limbo right now... I called it South Africa, and I'm not even there any more. Although I will probably include some stuff about SA, it feels like there should be clean sheets with another blog maybe... who knows?!

  9. I'm glad you are doing well my friend ... keep it up!!

    Of course you must reflect the changes, just post any new blog addy you decide to start ...

